ZombieFit™ :: Vol 8

Kickstart an exercise habit

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, and ever

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever young

Young Forever (JAY-Z featuring Mr. Hudson)

Throughout the past few issues, we’ve been systematically progressing through frameworks, strategies, and tactics to optimize your life. Whether you’re just dialing in a high-performance lifestyle, or you’re (literally) preparing for the zombie apocalypse, it’s no coincidence that you’re reading this newsletter.

This week we explore the topic of kickstarting an exercise habit — a keystone habit that is unparalleled in its virtuous effects on your life. If you want to become stronger, faster, and harder to kill, continue reading...

Let’s roll…

Killing me softly

As we journey through life, our life force subtly diminishes. It's a silent process, creeping on us stealthily, much like the silent hand of time ticking away. This decline (more often than not) is a reflection of our lifestyle. It happens one choice (and song) at a time…

It’s a slippery slope…

First, we move less.

And sit more.

Then, we skip a workout.

Then, we skip multiple workouts.

Then, we get out of practice entirely.

Eat a few extra tater-tots…gain a few pounds.

In all likelihood, eating habits and sleep hygiene slowly unravels in tandem…

Confidence diminishes proportionally to metabolic rate before other aspects of your high-performance lifestyle come off of the rails.

Trust me - it’s happened to me a couple of times over the past ~20 years, and it’s (damn) hard to course-correct and get the ship back on course.

That is NOT how we do things around here…

This is how we do it…

Here’s the good news: kickstarting (or reinvigorating) an exercise habit happens one choice at a time, and massive transformations can happen in as little as 12 weeks.

As we’ve discussed in previous issues, successful execution typically correlates to having a definite purpose and working backward from the goal.

Only you can determine what purpose for kickstarting an exercise habit should be, but here are a few possibilities to ponder:

  • Become stronger, faster, and harder to kill so that you’re more ready for the unknown and unknowable. (It is sneaky like that!)

  • Looking better in the mirror. (Because why not?)

  • Enjoying higher energy levels. (Yes, please…)

  • Avoiding decrepitude. (Nuff said…)

  • More longevity. (Hellz yeah!)

The one thing all of these things have in common? Massive upside with very little downside other than putting out a little bit of elbow grease to get the job done.

Hoping to live a long and prosperous life without having an exercise habit is a bit of an oxymoron. Although an exercise habit can’t guarantee you a higher quality of life, it’s the closest thing to a panacea you’ll ever find.

The very essence of survival is a function of the repeated stresses you’ve placed on your body + mind + soul. You trade some short-term pain for long-term gain.

If you’re not in peak physical condition right now, only you can do something about it. It’s a choice, and you are in control. All we have is the present moment, and all we can do is leverage it to build momentum into the future.

One thing that we all intuitively know and appreciate about physically fit people: they didn’t just get that way by luck or accident.

When you’re looking at a physically fit person — especially if they’re middle-aged or beyond — you know they’re putting in the work. Anyone who is getting second glances in their speedos has made a series of good choices and established a routine that involves a solid combination of discipline, emotional mastery, and consistency.

In addition to the intrinsic virtue and positive state of mind that it brings to the individual, nature tends to reward it with more vitality, longevity, and life force.

Kickstarting an exercise habit is the path to staying forever young — but don’t take my word for it, here’s what JAY-Z and Mr. Hudson had to say about it…

Overcoming a Cold Start

Let’s put an extreme example under the microscope: assume you are 100% sedentary and have been suffering from decrepitude for years — and now you’re ready to kick your ass into gear and do something about it!

Here’s a simple, fool-proof plan to get you (or someone you care for) started:

  • Dedicate the next 12 weeks of your life to a new routine. (Unbelievable transformation can happen in 12 weeks!)

    • Make a written commitment to yourself. Find an accountability partner. Don’t make it easy to renege on this commitment to yourself.

  • Start with a tiny commitment — something so small that it’s practically impossible not to achieve it. Make it so tiny that it would be absurd and laughable not to maintain compliance.

    • Example: commit to taking a brisk 5-minute walk outside each day. (Yes, you’ll end up doing more, but start tiny!)

  • Aim to incrementally increase the duration of your daily walk, adding only 1 extra minute each day until you hit a comfortable 30-minute stride.

    • Seem too easy? It’s not. You would have to make good decisions 25 days in a row to hit that 30-minute mark — and by then, you’ll have built some momentum! And that’s huge!

    • Listen to good audiobooks or podcasts during your walks, or take calls. (Hell, prank call people if you have to — do whatever it takes to grease the groove!) Double down on the time, and make it enjoyable.

  • At the 30-minute mark (e.g. ~25 days in), you have some options: continue adding your linear progression for walking, increase the intensity, or mix it up by tacking on some calisthenics.

    • If you need to shed some weight, then I’d recommend continuing to add 1 minute per day and work up to the full ~90 minutes. Break it into multiple sessions per day if needed.

  • Increasing the intensity would translate to a brisker walk or a jog.

    • Example: Do 1 minute of jumping jacks after your 30-minute walk.

    • Then 2 minutes of jumping jacks.

    • Then add 5 push-ups for the third minute.

    • Then 5 more push-ups.

    • You get the idea…

  • Calisthenics are too easy? Then do some resistance training with weights or bands instead…

At the end of the 12 weeks, you will be a beast of a new person — in a good way — body, mind, and soul!

Step by step

Exercise isn’t just a physical activity. It’s a keystone habit that is a catalyst for a holistic transformation. It happens one choice, one step, one brick at a time…

Exercise is the ultimate flex on life. Start taking tiny action today to achieve MASSIVE results for your future self.

Whether you want to be the fittest (new) kid on the block when the zombies attack, or whether you just want to continue dialing in that high-performance lifestyle — it’s no surprise that you’ve invested a few minutes reading today’s issue.

You are awesome, and you got this!

If I can be helpful to you as you kickstart, supercharge, or reinvigorate an exercise habit, you know where to find me. Please don’t hesitate. I live for this stuff…

Until next week…

Command center -- out.
Matthew Russell
Head of Zombie Preparedness

P.S. I’ve spent the past few years building an exercise app for iPhone + Apple Watch. The overall app experience is starting to get pretty solid, and I’m now building out lots of in-app content — including a special program inspired from this newsletter that flies under the same ZombieFit™ banner.

We can deliver practically any workout or exercise program through the app along with step-by-step pacing guidance that helps you to manage the intensity level and get the most out of your time training.

Whether you’re looking for a (free) high-intensity functional fitness program, a 100% personalized training plan (that I can build you and deliver through the app), or something in between, hit me back with a reply.

I’d like to learn more and help you however I can through your journey…