ZombieFit™ :: Manifesto

Supercharge the Body + Mind + Soul

ZombieFit™ is a free weekly newsletter that delivers tactical wisdom and esoteric knowledge to help prepare you for the unknown and the unknowable.

Think of it as Zombie-Preparedness-as-a-Service.

Subscribe if you want to supercharge your body + mind + soul a little bit more each week and continue dialing in that elusive high-performance lifestyle...

Let's face it: preparedness for the zombie apocalypse is the ultimate litmus test -- because if you're well-prepared for the zombie apocalypse, then you're prepared for anything else life can throw at you in the meanwhile.

A high-performance lifestyle (and the ability to kick serious zombie @$$ at a moment's notice) rests on three foundational pillars of wellness: body, mind, and soul.

Body :: Exercise + Nutrition + Energy

The body is a machine. Provide it with the proper maintenance plan, and it'll last you for the rest of your life -- just like that 2003 Honda Accord that'll be eligible for "antique" plates soon.

You won't find any get-jacked-in-1-month programs or crash diets within -- just tried and true conventional wisdom that'll equip you with the power tools to avoid chronic illness and decrepitude.

A solid training philosophy, sensible nutrition guidelines, and reasonable sleep hygiene are the fundamental building blocks of physical fitness and sustained energy levels.

Simple -- but not easy.

Mind :: Mental Models + Deep Work + Attention Management

The mind is an analytical powerhouse -- when it's running a productive set of programs and you are able to control your focus and attention to divide and conquer the work in front of you one day at a time.

The quality of our decisions largely determine the quality of our lives. Feeding the mind with time-proven mental models, strategic frameworks, and tactical tools to maximize the odds of uncovering the highest quality information and making the highest quality decisions possible.

Left to its own devices, the mind will drift, wander, and become idle. Don't let it...

Soul :: Identity + Purpose + Connection

The soul is that essence of human existence that gives us a sense of identity, purpose, and connection to something greater than ourselves. It's elusive, difficult to define, and seemingly impossible to locate -- yet strangely intense and deeply familiar.

Issues of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny -- these are the pillars upon which the soul rests and that the greatest minds have contemplated for millennia.

It's unlikely that we will come to definitive answers, but we will surely discover good fruit and rich rewards from seeking truth and wrestling the most foundational questions down to the mat.

Let's Roll...

Become a little bit more prepared each week with weekly intel reports…

Nothing to lose. Everything to gain.

Estimated improvement on you life if you subscribe: 2,003.21%

Command center -- out.
Matthew Russell
Head of Zombie Preparedness